Beal Joker Unicore 9.1 mm Golden Dry rope

Joker 9.1 mm Golden Dry: single rope - half rope - twin rope

The Beal Joker 9.1 mm Golden Dry is a triple certified rope suitable for experienced climbers. The special feature of this rope is that it has greater fluidity thanks to the softening of the rope. A rope that will appeal to experienced climbers who favour fluidity and handling over durability, but will also win over the more traditional climbers looking for a multi-purpose rope for modern or classic routes, mixed or snow.

Innovative UNICORE and GOLDEN DRY technology
This rope also features the innovative UNICORE technology, which increases your safety and gives you a solid rope. You can also count on the GOLDEN DRY treatment, which prevents the rope from swelling in wet conditions and improves fluidity when manoeuvring with carabiners while also increasing abrasion resistance.


  • Type: triple certified (single rope, half rope, twin rope).
  • Diameter: 9.1 mm.
  • Treatment: Golden Dry, Unicore.
  • Sheath percentage: 35 %.
  • Dynamic extension: 34 % (single), 32 % (half rope), 29 % (twin).
  • Static extension: 8 % (single), 8 % (half rope), 7 % (twin).
  • Impact force: 8.2 kN (single), 6 kN (half rope), 9.5 kN (twin).
  • Number of falls: 5 (single), 20 (half rope), 25 (twin).
  • Certification: CE EN 892.
  • Sheath slip: 0 mm.
  • Real weight: 4.510 kg


An amazing process that unites the sheath and rope core without compromising flexibility. Even under the most difficult conditions of use, sheath slippage is eliminated. If the sheath is cut or torn, sheath and core remain united. With a standard rope, if the sheath is cut by abrasion on one edge, it slips and gathers for several metres. It then becomes impossible to ascend or descend this area. If the problem occurs near the end of the rope, the sheath can slip off completely, resulting in a fall to the ground. With the UNICORE process, the sheath remains in place and the user can climb out, whether descending or ascending, taking all the necessary precautions. The user does not get stuck without a solution on the rope.

Golden Dry
Golden Dry is a waterproofing treatment applied to the mesh and core of the rope to make it more resistant to moisture, abrasion and dust.